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Play Sets!
Rainbows Come In All Shapes & Sizes!
From Beautiful Brookings, SD to Your Backyard… Rainbow Play Systems: 28 years of quality swing sets. Thanks to families like yours, Rainbow Play Systems has grown from a small custom job shop in Minnesota to a high-tech swing set manufacturing facility. Today, there are more than one Million Rainbow Play Systems swing sets in backyards across the world.
While the scale of our swing set operation has changed over the last 28 years, our focus remains paramount – creating the safest, most durable and highest quality swings sets available in America.
See it in person before you buy
Quality and size are very difficult to judge online. Often swing sets that appear HUGE in online photographs are very small in person. The same goes for quality - what looked nice in that photo may look not so nice in person. Click to view the Comparison Shop
Lifetime Warranty
Warranties speak to the quality of the product. Rainbow's have a Lifetime warranty. You can't do better than that! Most companies offer short 5-10 or even 1 year pro-rated warranties Click to view the full Rainbow Direct Warranty Information.
Never Outgrow a Rainbow
Many swing sets that people look at online or on the shelf at the bargain-priced retailers may look , but when you see it in person, it is often much smaller than you thought and poorly built. Rainbows are built to grow with your child because you can add new components as your child grows!

Rainbow Swing Sets Feature the Finest Quality Construction. Period.
Watch out for thin boards or small boards glued or bolted together to make larger ones. They don't last! Rainbow uses massive 4"x4" and 4"x6" solid wood construction and huge carriage bolts to create swing sets that are built for kids but strong enough for mom and dad to play on for years and years to come. When in doubt check the overall weight of the swing set. We proudly show our shipping weights because Rainbows often weigh over twice as much as similar looking swing sets! Rainbow Swing Sets Feature the Finest Quality Construction. Period.